Age-related sagging and drooping of the upper and lower eyelids can really detract from one’s appearance. The shadowy effect from the sagging and puffiness makes for a truly, old, tired and disinterested look. Fortunately, there’s a simple solution, and although it does involve a surgical procedure, the positive results can last for years. Sagging eyelids are caused primarily by a weakening or stretching of the eyelid muscles in combination with a buildup of fatty tissue beneath the skin. An eyelid lift can correct this.

If you’re familiar with a facelift procedure, think of an eyelid lift, or blepharoplasty, as a miniature version. The skin is smoothed by removing a strip and also by removing a small amount of fat and/or muscle tissue. The result is smoother, wrinkle-free lid skin and a much more attentive, youthful posture.

The Sagging Effect 

The upper lid sags when the skin becomes less supple. A decrease in the amount of collagen and other proteins in the skin is the main culprit. This drooping effect can lower the lashes and cause them to angle downward. The sagging and wrinkling of the lower lid is caused primarily by the effect of gravity. When fat builds up beneath the skin that’s just below the lower lash line, the skin begins to roll and crease.

Eyelid skin is very thin, so it’s not quite as elastic as skin on other parts of the body. Nevertheless, it can be smoothed out quite nicely so long as the procedure involves a bit of skin ablation and expert repinning of the skin to the subcutaneous tissues.

How We Perform Eyelid Surgery

To correct sagging eyelids properly, we implement a customized surgical procedure. Our first step is an initial consultation with the patient. When you schedule a consultation with us, we will examine the lids closely and check to determine the cause. If the drooping and puffiness are caused by fat buildup and a loss of moisture and proteins in the skin, blepharoplasty is a suitable option. We will give you an information packet to take home, and this will help you prepare for the surgery.

Brighten Up Your Appearance

Get rid of sagging eyelids with a blepharoplasty procedure. For further information on this effective and celebrated cosmetic procedure, we invite you to make an appointment with Dr. Kullamaa Plastikakirurgia! At our convenient location in Tallinn, our caring and dedicated professionals will be pleased to explain the process in greater detail and help you achieve your unique aesthetic goals. Contact us today to schedule a