When determining where to go to for a procedure, looking at liposuction prices can be daunting. Instead of fixating on the price tag, consider the cost an investment in your physical and mental wellbeing. Liposuction performed by Dr. Kullamaa and his staff has benefits beyond face value.

What Makes Liposuction Worth the Investment?

Sometimes, diet and exercise are not enough when trying to tone and lose weight. Genetics can make achieving a target weight without help an endless struggle for some people. Even for those who shed the initial weight easily through the usual methods, the last few pockets can be very stubborn. There are also those stubborn spots that just will not let go of the fat, no matter what one does to target them.

For all these situations, liposuction is well-worth the investment. Whether it is losing those last few pockets of fat or finally fitting into a pair of skinny jeans, achieving your goal can be liberating. The new-found freedom can result in the confidence to wear a bikini on an upcoming vacation. Whatever the liposuction prices may be, they are minimal compared to a boost in positive self-image.

What Goes Into Determining Prices?

There are many factors that go into liposuction prices. The most important factor is the quality of the surgeon. The fees charged by a surgeon often reflect their experience and level of expertise. While not always the case, very low liposuction prices may be a sign of an inexperienced surgeon or poor quality results.

Dr. Kullamaa has invested a lot of time into continuing education so he may treat his patients with the gold standard of care. With 30 years of plastic surgery experience under his belt, he brings with him a significant amount of experience and skill to the table.

The procedure itself contributes to liposuction prices as well. The location and number of areas being treated, the amount of fat being removed, and additional procedures accompanying the liposuction can affect the cost. As may be expected, having multiple areas undergo liposuction at once increases the cost, but this increase is often less than the total cost of having each area treated during separate visits.

Do you want to be unencumbered by those extra pockets of stubborn fat? Set out on the path to a new you by contacting the experts at the office of Dr. Kullamaa in Tallinn, Estonia. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.