The labiaplasty procedure was designed to help women feel more comfortable with their bodies. The purpose is to remove redundant and excess labia tissue to provide a tidier, neater, and prettier external genital area. Numerous women believe a larger labia is not aesthetically pleasing. They find uneven or excess labial tissue embarrassing. This makes it difficult to have a satisfactory sexual experience because they are embarrassed and self-conscious.

Having a labiaplasty reduces the labia size and has an extremely positive effect on their professional and private lives. Most of tissue being removed during a labiaplasty is irregularly textured, darkly pigmented and hangs fairly low. This tissue is located in the outer vagina area at the inner lips.

The upper mucosa tissue is a lighter pink, much smoother, prevents friction to the genitalia, provides lubrication and is usually left alone during the procedure. In some cases, the labia major tissue is extremely puffy and is also removed. This tissue is on the outer lips. The clitoral hood often has excess folds of skin. A neater and cleaner appearance is provided by trimming these folds. It is important to understand there is no possibility the delicate clitoral nerves can be damaged or injured. These nerves provide the ability to orgasm with an erogenous sensation. The constellation of nerves in the clitoris are nowhere near the surface where the trimming takes place.

The Benefits of the Labiaplasty Procedure

Labiaplasty results are permanent and the procedure will not need to be repeated. This remains true even if the woman has children and when she ages. Our surgeon is familiar with the specific anatomy, usually has experience and understands the specific goals and concerns of each patient. In some cases, even if the women does not expect to menstruate for a few weeks prior to having surgery, she can get her period either right before or right after the procedure. This may be due to the anticipation or stress of having surgery because a woman’s menstrual cycle often changes before or after any procedure.

You should feel extremely comfortable with your body approximately a few weeks after the surgery. At this time you can resume sexual intercourse. If you are interested in experiencing or learning about the benefits of this procedure, the experts at the office of Dr. Kullamaa & Dr. Kirjanen in Tallinn are happy to help. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!