If you’ve ever looked in the mirror and noticed that your thighs might not be as toned as you want them, or if your clothes just don’t feel all that comfortable in your thigh area, you might want to consider a thighplasty. This cosmetic procedure will help lift your thighs and give them the firm appearance you want for your legs. The procedure also removes excess fat and skin, especially if you’ve lost a significant amount of weight and find that it’s difficult to get rid of those last few pounds.

After a thighplasty, it may be a more enjoyable and rewarding experience to shop for clothes. You can get clothes that are form-fitting and flattering. You can wear clothes you might not have worn before the procedure, such as leggings, short dresses, and bathing suits that reveal more of your legs. Pants of all types will likely fit comfortably instead of being too tight or just difficult to enjoy wearing because they don’t fit the right way.

A thighplasty can give you the youthful appearance that you desire. When your thighs have excess skin that hangs or when they begin to sag as you get older, you don’t want to reveal your legs to other people. Your self-esteem can begin to suffer because you don’t like the way you look. Combined with exercise to maintain the toned appearance of your thighs, this procedure can give you the defined shape that you want so that you look years younger in most cases. If you play sports, then this procedure can deliver the appearance in your thigh area that you’ve been striving for while working out before and after games and practices.

Sometimes, it’s hard to exercise the way that you want to if your thighs rub together or if there’s too much excess weight on your thighs. Once the thighplasty is performed and the excess skin and fat are removed from your thighs both on the inside and outside, it’s often easier to walk longer distances and do the exercises that you like. This is an added benefit of the surgery because you’re able to lose weight in other areas of your body when you’re able to exercise more often and exercise in different ways than just walking. Aside from being able to exercise comfortably, not having the extra skin rubbing together on your thighs can make you feel better overall when you’re sitting or standing for long periods at a time.

To discuss the steps involved with a thighplasty so you can get well on your way to shapely thighs that boost your self-esteem and appearance, feel free to reach out and make an appointment at Dr. Kullamaa Plastikakirurgia! At our office in Tallinn, our experienced professionals will be ready to explain the process in detail and answer any questions you may have. Contact us today to set up your consultation!