tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) helps to rid of excess fat and skin for a toned midsection. However, before you have a tummy tuck in Tallinn, Estonia, you need to know if you’re a good candidate for the procedure. The following questions can help you find out:

Are My Expectations Realistic?

A tummy tuck will help you look good and feel youthful. Any good surgeon, however, will tell you that this treatment is not the ultimate weight loss solution. You need to be near your ideal weight before considering an abdominoplasty. You should only consider weight loss as a potential side benefit of a tummy tuck. Overweight patients may not get good results.

Do I Have a Better Alternative?

There are multiple solutions you can try to in order to improve your abdomen’s appearance. You should consider plastic surgery after going through different options. Consult a specialist to help you understand what benefits a tummy tuck provides over other forms of cosmetic surgery. A good plastic surgeon will assess your midsection to determine whether you should go for liposuction instead. The main reason you may need an abdominoplasty is excess fat and skin, as well as loose muscles.

Is My Stomach Proportional to the Rest of My Body?

Some people feel as though their body frame is too small for their belly. If you have the same feeling, you’re likely to qualify for an abdominoplasty.

Do I Want to Carry More Kids?

A pregnancy can reverse the effects of an abdominoplasty. It’s not a good idea to get a tummy tuck if you plan to add more children.

Where Should I Get a Tummy Tuck?

If you’re considering a tummy tuck or would like to learn more about the treatment, be sure to talk to the experts at the office of Dr. Kullamaa & Dr. Kirjanen in Tallinn, Estonia. Contact us today to book your appointment.