If you look at yourself in the mirror and wonder what happened to the figure you had just a few years ago, know that you’re not alone. There are many men and women who have experienced changes in their figure over the years. These changes have affected their self-esteem and their confidence. This is especially true for women who have had changes in the abdominal wall following childbirth. If these issues are affecting you, a tummy tuck may be the solution you need.

What Can a Tummy Tuck Treat?

There are a number of conditions that lead one to want to have a tummy tuck. Some are dealing with sagging abdominal skin. Some do not like the way that their abdomen protrudes because their abdominal muscles have been stretched following pregnancy. Other people have lost a large amount of weight and still have excess fat and tissue that will not go away with diet and exercise.

Many people who come in for this procedure have already tried diet and exercise. They are disappointed with the results. In fact, a lot of patients notice that the more weight they lose, the more lose their skin becomes and the worse they look. Liposuction cannot tighten loose skin or the abdominal muscles. If you want to improve the appearance of your midsection, there is no treatment that can substitute the benefits you get from a tummy tuck.

How the Procedure is Carried Out

The procedure is designed to address three primary areas of concern. First, liposuction gets rid of excess fat. Next, abdominal muscles are repaired. Finally, the excess skin is removed. This leads to a flat and contoured midsection.

Get In Touch with Us to Find Out More

Are you frustrated with the look of your midsection? Do you want to do something to get your youthful shape back? If so, a tummy tuck might to be the right option for you. We warmly invite you to reach out and make an appointment with Dr. Kullamaa Plastikakirurgia! Here at our office in Tallinn, we will be ready and eager to explain the process in full and answer any questions you may have. Contact us today to set up your consultation!