I am Jüri Kullamaa, surgeon of Kotka Private Hospital Plastic Surgery Center. I have performed plastic surgeries for about 30 years. I started in 1988 with aesthetic plastic operations in Tallinn in the Tallinn Medical Centre of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology. While in the first years primarily the problems of the face and neck area were dealt with in Estonia, all the operations can be performed on the body since the establishment of the inpatient department. From among approximately 600 operations performed a year, most are breast operations.
All my consultations and operations take place in Kotka Erahaigla, where there are modern facilities for servicing patients. I am a founding member of the Baltic Association of Maxillofacial and Plastic Surgery, and member of the Estonian Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Society (EPRS). In summers during free time I go cycling, in winter I go skiing, I am also interested in cars and motorsports. I am married and father of three children.
1989 Moscow Institute of Cosmetic Surgery
1982-1988 Faculty of Medicine of Tartu University
1982 Tallinn Secondary School No 46
Professional Experience
2017-……… Kotka Private Hospital Plastic Surgery Center
1996-……… Plastilise Kirurgia OÜ
1997-2017 Partner with private hospital Fertilitas
1994-1996 Surgery department of Järve Hospital
1992-1993 FALX clinic of plastic surgery
1989-1992 Tallinn Medical Centre of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology
1988-1989 Maxillofacial surgery department of Mustamäe Hospital
- 26.01.2018, Professional co-operation and service providing. Tallinn, Estonia
- 28.03.2018 Kriitiliste situatsioonide praktiline käsitlus tervishoiuasutuses. Tallinn, Estonia
- 7-9.07.2018, Beauty through Sience 2018. Stockholm, Sweden
- 31.10-4.11.2018, the World Congress of ISAPS. Miami, USA
- 30.11- 2.12.2017 The Aston Baker Cutting Edge Aesthetic Surgery Symposium, Advanced Rejuvenation of the Face, Breast & Body, New York, USA
23.-27.10.2016, ISAPS Plastic Surgeons congress, Kyoto, Japan
- 13.11.2015, Plastic surgeon Dr. Per Heden Master Class Training, Stockholm, Sweden
- 08.09.2015, Allergan Educational Programme On Introduction to the MD Codes with VYCROSS and injection techniques, Tallinn, Estonia
- 04-5.11.2015, The surgery of massive weight loss patients, Denmark
- 13-17.11. 2013, Breast surgery, facial rejuvenation,Germany, Medienhafen
- 16-19.9. 2013, Nagor breast implant training, Great Britain
- 27.-28.8. 2013,ISAPS Plastic Surgeons congress, Cannes, France
- 29-31.05.2013, Beauty Trough science, Akademikliniken, Stockholm, Sweden
- 08.-11.2012: Plastic surgery unit Specialist training, Breast surgery, Düsseldorf, Germany
- 4.-8.9.2012: ISAPS Plastic Surgeons congress, Switzerland
- 9 June 2011 – 11 June 2011, ISAPS Course, Akademiklinikens seventh international Beauty Through Science Meeting 2011, the latest development in; Aesthetic Breast Surgery, Non-surgical Treatments, Facial Aesthetic Surgery, Stockholm, Sweden
- 04 June 2011 – 06 June 2011, ISAPS Course, new and most exciting aspects of aesthetic plastic surgery; breast surgery, body contouring etc, St. Petersburg, Russia
- 29.4.2011 Fatt transfer procedures, Riga, Latvia
- 26 April 2011 – 27 April 2011, ISAPS Course, The scientific program include all aspects of aesthetic surgery focusing on facial rejuvenation, rhinoplasty, breast surgery, body contouring and noninvasive applications, Timisoara-Romania
- 14-18.08, International Society of aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS), 20 th congress, San Francisco
- 13-15.05, Allergan, Breast master class, Antalya
- 6-9.04, Plastic Surgery Unit in Düsseldorf- Kaiserswerth, Germany
- 28-31.3.2010, Plastic Surgery Unit in Düsseldorf- Kaiserswerth, Germany
- June, Beauty Through Science Symposium, Stockholm, Sweden
- June, Aesthetic meeting and training in Riga, Latvia
- March, Plastic Surgery Unit in Düsseldorf- Kaiserswerth, Germany
- November, 2nd International Symmetria Meeting, Athens, Greece
- October, 7th Croatian Congress of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Croatia
- March, October, Plastic Surgery Unit in Düsseldorf- Kaiserswerth, Germany
- 10-13.02, Melbourne Australia, Intrenational Society of Aesthetic Plastic surgery, 19th congress
- 18-20.01, ECAA 2007, Eurasian congress in aesthetic & anti-aging medicine, Bangkok, Thailand
- 17-20.10, 60th International Course, Advances in Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery, Barcelona
- 25.10, Specialist training course for the use of Teosyl
- 12-14.10, The fourth International Plastic Surgery Course, facial rejuvenation and mammaplasty, Ekaterinburg, Russia.
- March, Plastic Surgery Unit in Düsseldorf- Kaiserswerth, Germany
- March, ISAPS Cape Town Instructional Course on Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, South Africa
- January, Twenty-Second Annual Breast Surgery Symposium, Atlanta, USA
- 28.11- 2.12, Itä-Savon sairaanhoitopiirin kuntayhtymä, Finland
- March, Plastic surgery Unit in Düsseldorf- Kaiserswerth, Germany
- February, Tartu University,dept.of General and plastic surgery, Estonia
- September, First Budapest Aesthetic Surgery Symposium
- March, ISAPS Postgraduate Course ” Proceedings in Aesthetic Surgery”, Berlin, Germany
- 21.06.2003, ACW 2003. Course of Liposuction, Fat Transplantation and uses of Botulinum Toxin Injectable Filling agents in Paris, France
- 12.06.2003, Nose and Breast Surgery Training in the Stomatology Institute of Riga Stradinð University, Latvia
- 16-18.05.2003, International Congress of Aesthetic Surgery in Nice, France
- September: Mustamae Hospital, general surgery
- September: Special Sourse of lieast Surgery in Düsseldorf Deaconial Hospital, Germany
- May: Perlane, Restylane, Q-Med (Sweden), Tallinn
- May: International Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Congress in Istanbul, Turkey
- March: lieast Surgery Seminar in Helsinki University Central Hospital, Finland
- January: IMCAS International Master Course of Ageing Skin in Paris, France