Are you dealing with excess skin and stubborn fat? If so, you are not alone. Many men and women are battling with these issues, especially around their midsection. Stubborn fat is fat that does not go away even with diet and exercise. It’s fat that does not go away no matter how many days you go to the gym, how hard you jog, how many planks you do, or how many sit-ups you do. Excess skin can be even more upsetting. If your midsection is plagued with hanging skin and a little bit of unwanted fat, take courage because you can say goodbye to the issues with abdominoplasty.

Abdominoplasty is the official way to describe a tummy tuck. A tummy tuck can help enhance your appearance after weight loss, aging or pregnancy. A tummy tuck can give you a flat and tight stomach like the one you had when you were younger. But you may be asking yourself, is a tummy tuck really right for me? A tummy tuck is a cosmetic procedure that helps tighten up the way your midsection looks. During the procedure, a skilled cosmetic surgeon can remove excess fat and skin. Oftentimes, liposuction is also used to accurately shape the treated area. Your stomach muscles are also tightened and any excess lose muscle may be removed. Skin that is hanging is also removed. Your belly button can be reattached in its right position.

A tummy tuck may be the right option for you if you have additional skin after pregnancy, as a result of weight loss, or as a result of aging. Many women who have a tummy tuck do so as a result of separated abdominal muscles. This is very common after pregnancy. Abdominoplasty is great if you have excess skin around your midsection, but you are at your ideal weight or at least close to it.

One of the nice things about a tummy tuck is that it is very customizable. If you are frustrated by the appearance of your midsection, know that you can do something about it. There is no reason for you to feel uncomfortable when you show off your figure. Make an appointment at the office of Dr. Kullamaa in Tallinn to learn more. Contact us today to schedule a consultation!