There are many products available that advertise that they get rid of scars. Some of these products may reduce visibility, but nothing quite compares to laser treatment for scars. Lasers are here to stay. They are even used in medical procedures. They are more accurate than humans, and they are capable of doing procedures that weren’t possible in the past.

Types of Scars

Acne scars and moderately deep injury scars can be improved with laser treatment. In fact, many scars can be completely eliminated. Deeper scars will most likely take multiple treatments, and there is no promise that the scars can be completely eliminated. It all depends on the unique case.

Is Laser Treatment Safe?

Yes. Laser treatment for scars is safe. It is performed by trained professionals. You will wear goggles during the procedure to protect the eyes, and other tools can be used to reduce discomfort during the procedure.

Laser Treatments vs Dermabrasion

A dermabrasion and laser treatment results in the same thing: a thin layer of skin being removed. However, many people will prefer laser treatment for scars. Dermabrasions use electricity or mechanical means to remove the skin; a laser treatment gently heats up the skin and causes the outside layer of skin to die.

Cryosurgery is also an option to remove the outer layer of the skin. However, freezing the skin to destroy the top layer can be a little too harsh for many individuals. Thankfully, laser treatment for scars exists.

Before Having the Treatment

You should understand what is possible with laser treatment for scars. The scars will not be truly removed; instead, you will be lowering the rest of the skin to even out with the scar. It will reduce the visibility of scars, but it might not completely remove them.

You should also seek professional consultation before committing to the procedure. The specialist can examine you and determine how effective laser treatment will actually be. Your consultation will result in you learning exactly what the procedure can do for you.

Seek a Consultation Now

Don’t wait another minute to get those scars cleared up with laser treatment at Kotka Erahaigla in Tallinn. It may not take a single procedure to leave you with the results that you want; however, you will definitely notice a visible change when all is said and done. Contact us today and schedule a talk to discover exactly what laser treatment can do for you.