Project Description


Õlavarte plastika

Many adults are embarrassed when it comes to revealing their arms. This is due to a problem with sagging skin, which can be the result of age, weight loss, and even genetics. For some, showing their arms while on vacation or during the summer is not an option because they don’t want others seeing the sagging areas of the skin. However, this is a problem that can be easily eliminated with an arm lift, also known as brachioplasty.

Reasons why one might want to undertake the procedure:

  • Excess skin after weight changes or ageing
  • Tissue laxity following massive weight loss
  • Fat depositing combined with skin laxity
  • Poor quality of the skin, strechmarks
  • Wish to have more toned, contured and slender arms

Where to start?

The Consultation Come and get in touch with an experienced doctor who can help you find the right solution. We examine your state of health and find the best way to address the existing problem(s) (if needed, we can combine the skin removal procedure with liposuction) and location for the cuts.

Our doctors are fluent in Estonian, English, Russian and Finnish. They are members of the International Plastic Surgery Association ISAPS

Your body is treated as a whole.

Come in prepared:

  • Do the research. What are your expectations? See Before-After Photos
  • We need to check Your blood tests before the surgery, for those over 50 years old, also ECG (electrocardiogram) is needed
  • To achieve the best result, Your body weight has to be stable before the surgery
  • Before the surgery, the doctor will draw the cut-off points for your skin, tell you about the operation and its outcome.
  • The operation is performed under general anesthesia and lasts for 1-2 hours.
  • After the surgery, spend a night in our cozy hospital under the care of our friendly staff.
  • The day after the surgery, the doctor will examine You and give you recommendations for wound care and to lower swelling. The sticthes are removed after 10-14 days.
  • To get the best result and also to avoid complications, using compression garments is advised
  • For recovery, it’s recommended to take 1 week long sick leave.
  • Light sport activities are allowed 2 and full activity 4-6 weeks after surgery.
  • The end result is seen after 6 months


Upper arms plasty – from 3200 €
View the entire price list

Your doctors

Dr Jüri Kullamaa

Dr Pille Kirjanen

Dr Mart Eller

Dr Heiko Atna