Dr. Kullamaa and his staff offer tummy tuck surgery, which is a medical procedure that tightens skin and muscles on the stomach, to patients who want to get their figure back after pregnancies or weight loss.

How Does a Tummy Tuck Work?

An abdominoplasty, or better known as a tummy tuck, flattens the stomach by removing excess skin and fat through a surgical procedure.  Up to 30 — 50% of the stomach skin may be removed, and the surgeon pulls the remaining skin down to cover the entire belly, which is how the stomach becomes flat and tight.

Who is a Good Candidate?

Tummy tucks are ideal for anyone that wants a firmer stomach but also lives a healthy lifestyle. This procedure may be right for you if:

  • You want a firm and tight stomach
  • You are physically healthy and at a maintainable weight
  • You have excess stomach fat that does not respond to diet or exercise

Candidates that smoke will also have to stop smoking for a set amount of time before and after the surgery to heal appropriately from the procedure.

How Do I Prepare for This Procedure?

Since the procedure will require a rest period, prepare accordingly by taking time off from work and having someone that could help you for the days following the procedure. You should also gather the items you will need during recovery prior to your surgery. You will be able to return to non-strenuous work in time and enjoy the amazing benefits of your procedure.

What Results Can I Expect?

A tummy tuck procedure is designed to leave you with a flat and well-toned abdomen for many years. However, results may change due to significant weight change or a pregnancy.

Getting Tummy Tuck Surgery

For more information about this procedure, schedule a consultation at the office of Dr. Kullamaa in Tallin, Estonia. Contact us today to book your appointment and get started!